Frequently Asked Questions

What sets us apart?

We believe that health care should revolve around decisions that patients make between themselves and their doctor, not what the third party providers or the fee-for-service model dictates because of cost, time, or convenience. We believe that medical decision making should be evidence-based, in the context of the patient, their family, and their community, without the interference of outside interests. Our model allows more time to get to know you, which we believe is a critical to developing relationships and making appropriate decisions for wellness, medical care, and chronic care management.

Do we accept health insurance?

No, our care is based on our monthly fee structure. No billing of insurers or third parties is undertaken, which allows us the freedom in our business model to provide the kind of care that we believe will make the difference in quality, patient satisfaction, and cost. With the reduction in paperwork for us, it allows us to focus on care, which improves provider satisfaction as well, and allows us to do the work we were trained to do.

Will I still need health insurance?

Yes, certainly. While we believe that better access to care and a better relationship with your physician lessens the need for specialty services, we believe it is important to have coverage for complex conditions, procedures, imaging, and hospitalizations that would require higher levels of care that could be expensive and can be covered under insurance plans. Plans that work best with our model include catastrophic plans, high deductible plans, and PPO plans. HMO plans are very difficult since those plans choose a primary care physician for you in their network, usually requiring a duplication of our efforts and our work through the DPC practice.

If I have Medicare, can I still join?

Certainly. You will have to sign a waiver that will declare that neither you nor your doctor will bill Medicare for our services, but Medicare will be available to you for medications, laboratories, procedures, hospitalizations and other things that are prescribed by our practice.

Will I still benefit even though I don't visit the doctor that often?

We believe that access to your doctor can be valuable, especially for questions that could be simply answered or addressed by someone who knows you, or that can prevent a visit to the emergency department or hospital. We would however encourage you to be interested in "wellness" and would want to become your partner in an overall wellness and and prevention care plan for you. Access to care includes emails and phone visits which are included in the monthly fee and should be considered a valuable service if not a "virtual" visit. Because you will not be burdened with co-pays, with our accessible schedules, the process of coming in for an appointment will be easy and not rushed as it is in the current model. You should feel welcomed with your visit, as well as your emails and phone calls,  and not consider it a burden either for yourself or for us for access to good information and care.

What about after-hours care?

Our physicians are available for after hours care by phone, and can help to address your needs as well as direct your care to the appropriate venues when needed.  We are on active staff at Dominican Hospital for admissions to the hospital, and will continue to follow your care while you are hospitalized. We also provide care to certain skilled nursing facilities in the community for rehab care and for long term care if needed. See our fee schedule for details.

What about care away from home?

It is still important that you try and coordinate your care if you are away. Since we know you, we can help with medications or direct you to the appropriate care if needed, so it is important to contact us or call when you are ill and away from home.